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March Event Itinerary

Good Evening Everyone!

We hope you’ve had a great winter break and we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Below you will find a schedule for workshops being held Saturday. We will have spaces set up all weekend long such as a game room and craft spaces (locations will be posted at check-in, and posted on the bounty board for you to add your own mini-meets to). The swap meet will be held in the Red Tavern. We will also have Justin taking photos! (More on this at the bottom). If you want to do a big group game like Werewolf we will have sign up sheets for you to use on the bulletin boards.


For those of you coming all weekend, you can start arriving at the site at 5pm. An email with the gate code will be sent out at 4:30. We’ll do a quick check-in starting at 8pm followed by a quick opening announcement at 9pm to pass along any info the Rangers may have for us If you can't make it to check in then you can check in with Foose in the red tavern. Friday night is overall just a big hang out with friends similar to early arrival BUT we do have two things happening. First starting as soon as we’re wrapped up Emil will be having a nail painting party/clean out of the horde of nail polish for all your Awakening needs! Every shade possible take all you want! There may or may not be a best PJ’s competition involved with this also with a prize Em found in the trailer while deep cleaning it the other week. At 10pm Zenith will be leading a nature walk showing some of the lesser known paths and maybe even some cool long forgotten season one mod locations.


The park opens at 8am and you’re more than welcome to come and start setting up just please be courteous of noise for those sleeping in the cabins near the Red Tavern. 

Check-in for day passes will be at 10am at Ops. The swap meet will end at 4pm to allow for maximum time for people to come by however the park closes at 5pm, if you have a day pass you must exit the park before the Ranger closes the gate. You will see them start doing their usual sweeps and we will also make reminder announcements of the time.


All day - Lawn Games - Basketball, horseshoes, & The Blood Fae's Heart game! You can add your own pickup game to the sign up schedule.

10am-4pm - Swap Meet - Red Tavern

Nick Kincaid will be hosting a Spell Packet Workshop (check the bulletin board for the time he picks). Bring your supplies and come see how to make them from a pro. I promise after watching him do it you’ll be leaving this weekend with a trunk load!

10am-730pm - Art Station - Out front of Ops cabin 

  • Come add your mark to a communal art project! A mural that represents our community. Paint/brushes/etc are all provided (but hey, if you have some paint you want to destash, we won’t say no to more supplies for the art project!) [NO DRAWING PEEPEES ON THE MURAL!!!!]

11am - Pouch Making with Jen - Come learn how to make a leather pouch that you get to take home! Do you remember the final Water Spirit mod? That was Jen’s all powerful crafting skills at work. All leather and tools will be supplied by Jen, due to time and materials this workshop will be limited to 20 attendees and include a $10 cash cover (first come first serve).

12pm - Archery with Maarten - Thinking of trying your hand at archery in Legends but not sure if you’d like it? Come by and get a class with our very own Maarten! Get target practice while getting tips and tricks to see if it’s the right fit for you!

1pm - Makeup 101 with Teresa - Just starting out? A seasoned vet looking for new techniques? Teresa will be hosting a workshop to learn the basics of makeup tailored for LARP a.k.a how to put it on once and make it stay! As well as a few advanced options if time allows.

2pm - LARP Safety & "Medical Knowledge" - come hear and see some neat things from Ian, an Army medic, a certified Stop The Bleed instructor and Wilderness First Responder.

3pm - Combat with Austin - Come by and spar with your friends! After a long break this is a perfect time to ease back into the combat to come this Larp season. We will also be going over the theatrics of really selling your combat which will conclude with a competition for best performance! A sneak peek under the hood of the new rules to test some new systems will be held after the competition.

4pm - The Blood Faes's heart practice game with Emil! Come learn how to use the magic flying orbs…. And when it's dark, we'll play for real!

For those of you with the weekend pass we will be doing a fire at the low town pit at 8pm with S’mores provided!

Photos: Justin will be here this weekend taking photos! The weather is looking spotty with clouds and rain but don’t worry he will be setting up an indoor spot for pictures as well. He will be doing 20 minute sessions (a sign up sheet will be at check in where you can pick your time) either as an individual or a group. He is doing this FREE OF CHARGE but we’re forcing him to put a tip jar out if you feel inclined to support his work!

As a REMINDER we will not have Crystal’s Tavern this event so please plan accordingly. Also we ask that you clean as you go to keep the kitchens clean for those after you.

See you all tomorrow!! 

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Singletary Lake Group Camp,

Elizabethtown, NC 28337, USA
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