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__TICKETS FOR MARCH__ Tickets go on sale this Wednesday, March 1st at 8pm ET. They will be on sale until the Thursday before game. You can get your tickets here:

__WAIVERS & RELEASES ARE NOW ALL DIGITAL__ In your Ticket Confirmation email after getting your pass, you will receive the link to read and sign your waivers & releases. ALL waivers must be digitally signed now - make sure to read the directions and fill out the forms completed.

__FLIP MOD!__ The NPC Time this game will only be 3 hours long, and on Friday night we are going to have a Flip Mod. Flip Mods are when we split the entire town up into two equal groups. One half plays NPCs for the first group, and then we switch, and have that group then play the PCs against the other half. This works really well for epic battles, as it gives even numbers on both sides. The two Flip Mod times will be immediately after game on, and the second Flip Mod will begin immediately after that. Please be on time for the shifts that you select at check in so that we can do the things! Each flip mod will be approximately an hour long, and is optional for New Players.

On your ticket form you can indicate which Flip Mod time you want, but it is not guaranteed. If you play a high makeup character, or have medical needs, let us know in your ticket form which Flip Mod time you want to do, and we will prioritize what you indicate. We will have non-combatant roles on both Flip Mods.

__THE FINAL SEASON - WE WANT YOUR INPUT!__ We're putting out a poll for this final season– a vibe check, if you will, on what content you're especially excited to see and storylines you want to wrap up! The results of the poll will not concretely decide any stories or plotlines: as always, those are decided by YOU during the game!

__NEW PLAYERS! READ ME!__ New Player Orientation begins at 9pm, immediately following check-in. Orientation is required for all first-time players and takes an hour– please eat in advance. Meet the New Player Marshals at the Big Red Tavern, in front of the stone fireplace. Be in kit and ready to adventure! Opening Announcements start at 10:30pm.

__SEASON PASSHOLDERS! READ ME!__ You’ll receive an email today that has your links to sign your waivers & reserve your permanent cabin spot ahead of time - keep an eye out for it!

__SCENE REQUEST INFO FOR THIS YEAR__ Scene Requests Submissions for the March 2023 event are open until March 8th at 11:59pm ET. We will add all Approval Statuses and notes to your Scene Request document by March 13th at 11:59pm ET.

Scene Requests are open for this year on a rolling basis - you can submit for an event anytime UP TO TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT IT IS FOR (exception only for March, as above). As this is the final season of Lands of Exile 1.0, we are expecting a LOT of scene requests and can only run so many per event. Please be patient, flexible, and focus your scene requests on wrapping up existing storylines. Do NOT contact staff about scene requests: all communication is handled via the submission form. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED, NO EXCEPTIONS!

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Content copyright King Heron Events 2018-present

2024 Event Dates

March 1-3 (special)

April 12-14

May 24-26

September 6-8

October 4-6

November 1-3


Singletary Lake Group Camp,

Elizabethtown, NC 28337, USA
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Website design & video editing by Emil Zickafoose

Header video by Justin Dizon

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