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Ticket Sales, Week Break, Rulebook Updates

Here ye, Awakened!

Tickets for the upcoming November 1-3 event will go on sale this Sunday, October 13th at 8pm ET at the pass store (link, click). Please make sure that you're filling out the ticket form accurately!

This event will mark the third mission for the 227th Expedition (Grand Expedition). The new Mission Missive will be posted in the coming weeks before the event!


Plot, Faction Leads, & Game Staff taking a rest week

Keep asking questions, submitting PELs, and submitting Game Feedback via the appropriate channels, but we won't be answering or following-up until after our mini break!

Awesome game and great job on clean-up. Every faction is getting their clean up rewards again!



We have Rulebook updates coming soon (ETA: within the next two weeks). A changelog will be posted with the clarifications and changes made - they are mostly clarifications.

To give you a head's up on important highlights that may effect thinking on the decisions for your character in the meantime:

  • Moving forward, a character must take the Milestone to discover/unlock an undiscovered spell. The currently discovered/undiscovered spell labels will be updated in the revised Rulebook for your reference.

  • Adding reiteration from the Faction page: Factions have a "trial" period of up to your first three games (aka the time you have to change anything about your character). Changing factions is treated in-character and in-world. You can choose to permanently lock in your faction and become a full-fledged member at any point during your trial period, or you will automatically be locked in to the faction you end your third game on. Some faction secrets, recipes, and missions will only be available for locked in members (you will indicate if you are locked in to your faction or not on your ticket form).

  • Limitations on respends/respeccing eligibility:

  • Godstongue will be permanently locked as of this upcoming event. This (or your next event if not attending November) is the last event to change out of godstongue if you currently have it and want to spec out. Anyone who takes godstongue from now on will have it permanently.

  • Clarification: existing characters cannot change/respecc to the Anamnesis Awakening. Anamnesis can only be new characters (however, you may apply your acquired CP to this new Anamnesis character if you're within your first three games).

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November 1-3


Singletary Lake Group Camp,

Elizabethtown, NC 28337, USA
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Header video by Justin Dizon

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