The World is Ending!
Lands of Exile 1.0, the current story, is resetting! We are relaunching Lands of Exile 2.0 in 2024, with all new characters and all new possibilities.
Lands of Exile 2.0 will still be a high fantasy, medieval setting. Although the nature of the world is changing, the aesthetics are universal. Costuming, weapons, and prosthetics from 1.0 will still be usable in 2.0, in a new context.
During the 2023 season, we are excited to close out the narratives we have built together with a bang. Only you can decide how the story ends in the most exciting year of Lands of Exile yet.
Are you a New Player? Lands of Exile 1.0 is still for you, even if the story is wrapping up at the end of 2023! Have questions or need advice? Reach out to a New Player Marshal, an official resource for a variety of information about Lands of Exile 1.0. This is the best time to start your journey into the Exiled Lands - with the current narrative wrapping up, you have the opportunity to make a lasting mark in the final chapter of this story.
An announcement with more information about Lands of Exile 2.0 will release in late February 2023. You can read why we made this decision in the original announcement of 2.0 here in the Facebook Group.