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October Event - The Thinnest Veil


This time of year is known as the time of the Thinnest Veil. It it said during this time, that the bond between our world and Noktal’s realm is at its closest, and this results in various occurrences in our plane.


The most notable is the reappearance of those that have died or passed on. Called wandering spirits, they become visible because of the thinning of the veil. Sometimes these spirits are trapped in our realm, or just simply spirits that stepped over the thinned veil accidentally. Other times, they are spirits of vengeance, hatred, or those with unsettled business. It is traditional to offer solace, comfort, and closure to the wandering spirits by speaking with them to help them remember their way. Usually a simple token of the living - a piece of cloth, a stone, food, even a song - can bring the spirit to peace, though sometimes more is involved. Be aware, however, giving a token of remembrance that causes pain and anger to flood back into their mind can cause the spirit to become violent.

In the evening on the last day of The Thinnest Veil, it is traditional for the living to perform a Spirit Walk, where wandering spirits will gather to be reminded of their path, before the veil lifts and the way to Noktal’s realm is blocked for another year. Another tradition is that of putting out the Lanterns of the Veil. Traditionally, these are made by painting various faces and decorations onto pumpkins, or carving them and placing a candle inside. It is important this is done in a way that symbolizes something that is important to the person ornamenting the pumpkin, particularly in wake of what could come upon them. On this night, the spirits of vengeance are most violent. These pumpkins serve as a special type of ward that prevents these spirits from entering the building they are set to protect. Buildings without pumpkins on this night can be subject to violent attacks. Murders have been known to take place without sign of weapon or physical violence, leading to superstition, or fact as some will say, that the spirits of vengeance themselves are the ones who have committed these atrocities. Rumor or not, most believe it best to follow this tradition. Better to be safe than regret otherwise.



In addition to the solemnity of this time of year it also happens to fall on a time of celebration. The Harvest Feast is a time where the living are thankful for the bounty of the harvest and share stories of their passed loved ones. It is symbolically a time where the community can set aside their differences and come together in unified celebration of life and harvest. Many communities see this as a sacred time, where it is understood conflict should be set aside and the holiday should be honored. Honoring tradition from the homeland, this time is usually spent feasting over food and wine, playing holiday games, and celebrating in music, song and performance. It is a joyous time to counter that of the night’s solemnity.


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