[Exposition] Chapter 4: Dawn of the New Era
Chapter 4: Dawn of the New Era
As the meeting that decided the fates of those who would lead the factions drew to a close, one of the Council members turned to Amaranth. "With your experience, will you be joining this expedition?"
A heavy silence fell over the chamber. Amaranth's eyes, usually guarded, flickered with a complex mix of emotions - determination, sorrow, and an iron resolve. She stood, her posture straight despite the obvious toll of her ordeal.
"No," she said, her voice firm. "My role lies here, in Roera." Murmurs of surprise rippled through the room, but she raised a hand to explain. "The Eternal Lands have already claimed too many of our people. What we need now is not just exploration, but a coordinated effort. I've seen what could wait for them. I can best serve by planning from here."
Her gaze swept across the room, meeting each pair of eyes. The conviction in her voice was palpable. This wasn't a decision born of fear but a deep, unflinching commitment to the expedition's success. Amaranth had barely survived the horrors of the Eternal Lands and returned, not to hide, but to ensure that every move the expedition made was as informed as possible - just as the findings from another lost expedition had contributed to her own survival there.
"These three," she gestured to the applications of Stanczyk, Hadden, and Shiori, "they have the skills, the knowledge, and the courage to lead this expedition."
The Council members nodded, recognizing the wisdom in her words. As the meeting adjourned, preparations for the expedition intensified. Primarch Amaranth took up her new role with determination, ready to act as the strategic linchpin between those embarking on the mission and Roera. Meanwhile, the three chosen leaders began the monumental task of preparing for their journey into the unknown, knowing they had the full support of the continent they would leave behind.
As preparations for the expedition intensified, a palpable sense of anticipation settled over Roera. In the bustling shipyards, skilled craftsmen worked tirelessly, constructing vessels designed to brave the unknown waters of the Eternal Lands. The air rang with hammers and saws, a symphony of creation that echoed the beating hearts of those who would soon embark.
Chancellor Stanczyk, Captain Richtor Hadden, and Consul Shiori Min could often be seen overseeing the preparations. With them frequently stood their chosen counterparts, who would handle the logistics for their faction and the Council, and in Roera. Shiori had chosen Eliana, who had been pivotal in establishing the Consortium. Stancyzk the Red selected Lionel Stolthed, the head of Roera's Hunters' Lodge. Hadden picked his Lieutenant during the Perennial War, Xirias Silvercrown.
Their faces, etched with determination, reflected the weight of their responsibility. They led a tandem effort to research and construct new technology, only some of which were known to the public. The most obvious was the fleet of newly built ships, that would soon cut through the mists to the Eternal Lands in record time.
As word of the impending journey spread, a call came across Roera. The Eye of Antiquity sought sharp minds to unravel ancient mysteries. The Teeth of Noor required brave souls to stand against unknown threats. The Hand of Tomorrow called for innovative spirits to shape a new world. For those with the courage to answer, the promise of adventure beckoned. The Eternal Lands awaited, full of danger and wonder, secrets and treasures, answers and questions yet to be asked. It was a chance to delve into forgotten history, stand vigilant against unseen perils, and forge new frontiers in a realm untouched by Roeran hands. The Factions poured through the towering stacks of applications, looking for the most accomplished and capable individuals to accept within their ranks.
As the ships took shape and provisions were gathered, the air hummed with possibility. Soon, the sails would unfurl, catching the morning breeze. Soon, a new chapter in the history of Roera would begin, written by those brave enough to step into the unknown.
The choice lay before the Awakened of Roera as they received their acceptance letters. Would they answer the call? Would they become the heroes their land needed? As the day of departure drew ever closer and the manifests finalized, the question lingered on every lip and in every heart:
Are we ready for what is to come?
16th day of Augen, 2024th year ADG
On the coasts of Roera, several ships prepared under the sails of their faction. The Awakened began arriving to their posts, those chosen few to embark on the first official Grand Expedition. Many of them had never met before, and a palpable tension in the air kept most in deep thought.
It was silently understood that each of these ships may not make it to the Eternal Lands, but each person boarding knew that risk. It was worth it to them, for one reason or another. They each knew their decision would change Roeran history, but they did not yet know the extent their choice would have on the world.