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All items/props must be physrepped.  This means that in order for you to use an item in roleplay, it must have a physical representation, or prop, that follows our immersion guidelines (it should look and feel realistic for our high fantasy medieval setting). Plot will supply all Plot Item physreps, but players need to supply physreps for personal items. Items must be kept in an in-game space during game on. They may be kept hidden, buried, or locked in a chest (with an approved medieval lock), but all areas must be unquestionably in-play and not obscured by out of play items (like duffel bags or coolers).   

​​Unless explicitly permitted, please do not destroy props. If you wish to attempt to destroy one in game to prevent it from being used, please notify plot, or the prop's owner, and we will remove the item from gameplay. If a prop seems damaged, please stop by Ops (Operations Cabin) (or the owner of the prop) and we will assess whether we need to fix it or not!  Some props are made to be interacted with or destroyed, and typically it will be obvious how to do so. If not, there will be a plot note nearby to help inform you, or you can check in with a plot member.

Scrolls, bits of paper, and letters are special items that all players are allowed to do with as they will. Collect them in game to see what secrets you can learn, take them home, rip them up, put them in your larping scrapbook, burn them so no one can learn the blood magic.... feel free to use them as you wish. Keep in mind, scrolls and papers can sometimes be important in later games! Books are NOT included in this exception, and are treated as regular props.


A "Story Item" is a term that we use to represent an item that affects roleplay in some way, represented by the Story Item Symbol. Whether it's bread you can eat, a mysterious tablet you can trade, or a strange necklace that makes you feel uneasy. Anything with the Story Item symbol is available to be interacted with by everyone, which includes stealing.

Players may create their own Story Items by placing the symbol somewhere obvious on their personal props!  Bake it into bread, write it inside the cover of a book, or carve it into your spoon. The symbol should at least be semi-permanent and should be easily noticeable after a light inspection of the item. To draw it, just remember "Square, Triangle, Middle Line." If you want the physrep/prop back at the end of the event, Circle around it (above, Plot Item).


Plot Items are props that are provided by the Storyteller team. If the Story Item Symbol (above) is circled (on the right), the item must be returned to Ops at the end of each game. However, your character will be noted as "owning" the item, and can pick up the physrep at the next game. If you will not be attending the next game, your character should transfer ownership to another player that will be attending (a plot member should be contacted for this). You can use this symbol on Story Items you create that you want to get back at the end of the game (things like your character’s diary, a necklace family heirloom, etc.).

When in doubt, just remember if you see either of the above symbols - it’s stealable!

If it’s circled, make sure you turn that prop back in to Ops at the end of game!


A Tag is a piece of paper, given out by plot (typically accompanying at item), that describes an item's function, effect, or value in a metagame way. In order to gain the communal roleplaying effects certain items can provide, we suspend disbelief a little bit by providing paper tags that give directions (Plot Effect) or RP suggestions (Story Effect) for an item's use. All tags must be kept with their physrep, either near it or attached to it. If the item has an effect, it will always say “Story Effect: [Effect]” or “Plot Effect: [Effect]” on the tag.


Story and Plot Tags are Plot-created only; players may not create their own, but may request them by submitting a Scene Request. You only need a Tag for an item if you want your item to have effects. You can request the effect, but the final effect is at plot discretion. All Story Item Tag requests will be collected via submitting a scene request, overseen by a plot member, and given out at check in at the next game you attend.

Remember that Story Effect = Suggestion, and Plot Effect = Directions.




Resources Tokens represent all gatherable resources: flowers and other alchemist ingredients, resources, and anything used with the crafting system, as outlined in the rulebook. Resource Tokens are wooden squares that represent the character having the resource, and do not require a physrep when carried around or traded. For roleplay, the Resource Token represents having access to that Resource, it is not the actual resource (physrep) itself. Resource Tokens are always stealable.


If a Resource is being actively used (like a Ritualist using a flower for a ritual, or a Blacksmith using ore to repair armor), it must also be accompanied by a physrep as part of the activity. As an example, a Ritualist performing a Cleanse ritual must have the Resource Tokens (a Poppy and a Lily), AND a physrep of a Poppy and Lily used as part of the Cleanse ritual. A Blacksmith repairing armor must have the Resource Token (Iron Ore), AND a physrep of the Iron Ore. You can be creative with your physreps, but do it with full dedication! Perhaps the Ritualist doesn’t have a physrep for a Poppy, so they’ve got a plain plant physrep that just “hasn’t bloomed.” Maybe the Blacksmith lacks a foam rock prop - but there are plenty of rocks around to use! The biggest part of this is to truly roleplay and represent the usage of the Resource.


Item Tokens represent items - what the crafting system creates from Resource Tokens. Items are things like potions, Enchanted Weapons, Cyanide, and more. Item Tokens are created by the player who is creating the item at the Item Creation Station - and the player who is crafting the item is the one responsible for turning the Resource Tokens in and creating the Item Token properly. Items must have an Item Token and be physrepped (potion bottles, vinegar or vaseline for cyanide, a weapon for an Enchanted Weapon, etc.). Always carry the Item Tokens on you for the items that you are carrying, as these are what are lootable/stealable. See the rulebook for detailed instructions on creating Item Tokens.


At the beginning of an event, every player character is given a Wartable Chit that out of game represents that they will be assisting a Wartable Activity between events. Wartable Activities are actions that are introduced and resolved at game events, but the character actions described by the Wartable Activities happen between games. Wartable Chits are not stealable, but can be given to a Specialist voluntarily to represent your character's assistance in between games.

At the beginning of an event, every Player Character is given one Wartable Chit that out of game represents that they will be assisting a Wartable Activity between this event and the next. Wartable Activities are actions that are introduced and resolved at game events, but the character actions described by the Wartable Activities happen between games. Wartable Chits are not stealable, but can be given to a Specialist. Specialists may ask for your character’s assistance with a Wartable mission at the event. Read more about the Wartable here.


Leadership Chits are specific to the specialized Leadership class (see Supplemental Rulebook for more information). They are not stealable as they represent the ability to use Leadership skills, but may be given to another character with Leadership. Leadership Chits may be purchased between games or at check-in. Unused Leadership Chits carry over between events.


Stealing is performed with real-life skill; there are no in-game abilities that enhance stealing, aside from combat abilities. Stealing may only occur in in-game spaces, during active gameplay. You may only steal items with the Story Item Symbol, Resource Tokens, Item Tokens, or official currency (called "coin").  


You may only steal items with the Story Item Symbol, Resource Tokens, Item Tokens, or official currency (called "coin"). Stealable Item are a plot OR player object that has a PLOT TAG and/or displays the STORY ITEM SYMBOL. Not all stealable items have tags or tokens, but they will ALWAYS have the Story Item Symbol (aside from "coin" and Resource Tokens themselves).


Things that do not have a tag or the Story Item Symbol may NOT be stolen or looted without the owner's previous express permission (see Off-Game Negotiation below).


If you wish to steal an non-Story Item, you must speak with the owner of that item FIRST, whether it is plot or player. If you do not know who the owner is, time to get sneaky and find out through roleplay! An off-game negotiation is an out of character conversation with another player. This is a special case of collaborative storytelling, and must be fully consensual.

If you wish to steal a non-Story Item, first approach the item's owner in-game, ask quietly if you could have an off-game conversation with them about one of their props, and when agreed, go to an off-game area (such as a cabin). There, explicitly state that you wish to steal their item in order to create a cool story challenge for both of you. Permission to steal can only be granted by the owner of the item. This conversation is an opportunity to discuss how the item should be treated, if it is delicate, if the owner wants it back after or during game, how long the item should be stolen, and where both of you want the story arc to go. Allowing one player to steal a non-Story Item does NOT give permission for a different person to steal it, or for the same player to steal it a second time.



Player Steve wants to steal Player Rogers’ Tome of Evil, which is a personal item that Rogers made for his character that doesn't have the Story symbol. Steve would need to approach Rogers and tell him he wants his character to steal the Tome of Evil for a cool scene. Steve originally wanted to steal it for a few games to read through it, but Rogers definitely wants it back at the end of this game.  Rogers suggests that Steve steal it to read a few passages, and then go temporarily mad from the evil contain therein!  Steve and Rogers would continue to negotiate from there about how they want to collaborate for this, or maybe Rogers decides against the whole thing; Steve must respect his wishes.  We are here to tell a story together that we can all have fun with!

Content copyright King Heron Events 2018-present

2024 Event Dates

March 1-3 (special)

April 12-14

May 24-26

September 6-8

October 4-6

November 1-3


Singletary Lake Group Camp,

Elizabethtown, NC 28337, USA
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Website design & video editing by Emil Zickafoose

Header video by Justin Dizon

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