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The Exiled Lands are a mysterious continent far in the west (not shown on map), discovered after the third war, when the Drow and their cohorts were exiled from the Homelands. It takes about a month's travel by ship to cross the sea from the Homelands.


This vast arctic area had snow all year round. Here were found glaciers, tall, nearly impassable mountains, and icy ocean coasts, with some tundra-like forests and frozen lakes dotting the landscape. Frost trolls are known to live here, and Dwarves actively used their bones and fur for crafts and clothing. Some Orc clans fled here after the Third War, relentlessly hunted by Dwarf battle parties and kept in check by the frigid winters.


Belavora had a cooler climate, with constant snow cover in the north.  The southern part did have mild summers, and was famous for their wildflower blooms.  Although the borders changed over time, these lands were thought to be one of the birthplaces of mortality. Belavora was full of mystique, magic, and housed ancient ruins from all races. 


Although it was chilly and temperate in the north, the southern part of the realm enjoyed warm summers and sunny beaches. The areas around the center of the realm produced incredible storms, sometimes magical in nature, due to the high level of humidity and energy that came off the expansive Living River. After the Third War ended, the realm of Vae’ri’a became the seat of the High Elven Empire, who were tasked with exiling the Drow and their supporters, rebuilding the economy, and keeping all Allied citizens comfortable, healthy, and well supplied.


Corlinea Valley was well protected from the extreme weather on all sides, with a generally pleasant temperate climate all year round and little fluctuation. No organized government existed in this realm, as it was not meant to support a local economy or structure. Sacred walkways had been worn into the stone all throughout the valley. A wide variety of spiritual conclaves existed, though all had one thing in common - they respected the land here as the holiest of holy, and did not use more space than they needed to pay respects to their chosen Eldest, spirit, Fae, or other entity of respect. 


Arayneir is the smallest realm in the Homelands, but the forests are lush and green, with plenty of land and resources, though most goods are imported from Veyveux and Humans Rise.  This was land given to the Order of the Fallen Sword by the High Elven Empire during reconstruction  after the Third War. The Fallen Sword ran the operation of Arayneir, and although it was primarily a military installation, there were large numbers of civilians, especially traders and merchants, who lived within its borders.


A dry, expansive desert, full of sand, rocks, and salt flats. Oases were rumored to exist, but very few who set out to find one returned to tell of its location.  Sand storms could last weeks, especially in the Troskull Wastes, and flash flooding in the eastern mountains was a real danger. There also existed Fjall Volcano, a large volcano on the southernmost end of the area, where it was believed the Dragons first emerged. The Suldai-im Desert had a long history of being the most despised area on the continent. For hundreds of years, the Drow controlled the area, and it was not always such a desolate place.


The mainland body of Veyveux was surprisingly temperate for its longitude, and combined with the freezing climate of the peninsula, it may have been the realm with the most varied climate for its size.  Because of the warm, dry microclimate in western Veyveux, this area was renowned for its wine production. The peninsula tended to be less about farming and land-grown resources, and more about trade and fishing. Veyvinians favored living intricate lives - regularly partaking in parties, social gatherings, fancy dress, and esoteric hobbies.


Xi was characterized by few forests, mostly plains and shrubby bushes. Flat, open areas. Cool, dry winters in the north, and humid, temperate summers in the south, with extra growing seasons. There were many kinds of grazing animals and large predators. The western mountains caused moisture from the ocean to fall nearly year-round, and Xi had a flood season in the spring every year. Because of this, some rare fruits, herbs, and creatures were found here and nowhere else in the Empire.


L’lien Rainforest was deep, unmapped, and lush land. It was the hottest, most humid and rainy area on the continent. Dense forest in the north, with estuary mangrove swamps to the south. Nearly every culture has their own name for the Rainforest, but many people were taught the common name, L’lien, in schools. This area was steeped in mystery, lore, and magic.


Lek’Nath was landlocked on three sides, but had a comparably large coastline. Weather was humid and warm, and winter days continued to be quite balmy, except in the mountains. Lek’nath was the first main K'ojin realm, formed after the Third War. Traditionally, K’ojin are nomadic and welcome nearly anywhere, but lost access to some important ancestral sites in this area during the Third War. The Empire agreed to help protect and restore the areas, and so the realm borders were drawn.


Many southern Homelands “destination getaways” were located on the mountain slopes of Neux Belavora, as its climate was very stable and far cooler than the surrounding realms, with considerably less Wylde Elf Presence. Neux Belavora was created as a southern realm of White Elves, formed after the Third War, as they wished to help the K’ojin in this area rebuild their traditional lands. Far from their ancestral homelands in Belavora, the White Elves here created a unique twist on living in a warmer climate.


Much of the area was flat and plainslike, with some forests and wetlands on the coast. The weather was humid and warm. After the Third War, Holdfast was one of the last areas to receive reconstructive aid from the newly re-established Allied Empire. Thieves, spies, and swindlers were rampant, and many of the black-market trades that pervaded the other realms were thought to originate here. Even so, many people made quite a comfortable life as farmers or tradespeople, as long as you stayed on the good side of those in charge.


This realm was mostly lowlands, a few hilly areas, and a small mountain range in the northeast. Huge lakes dotted the land, providing nourishment to lush forests and fertile grasslands. These created microclimates, causing surprising weather in isolated areas, such as snow, tornadoes, and floods. Bran’d Province surrounded Port Bran’d, which was the main hub for import and export of goods between the northern and southern realms in the west. Humans Rise contained nearly every industry you could imagine, and supplied the rest of the continent with many products needed for every day operation - especially Vae’ri’a. The majority of the Empire's farmland was in this area, as well as some prestigious institutions of higher learning and mastercraftshalls.


The eastern Wyldelands contained runoff zones from the entire stretch of the Suldai’im Plateau, which created the largest lake in the Homelands. Elsewhere, there were plentiful grasslands and thick forests, while bountiful rivers criss-crossed throughout the realm. The Wyldelands were an area recognized by the High Elven Empire as natural growth areas, and were left to grow wild and unmanicured, as Memnis intended. Some of the most haunting and still unmapped areas in the Homelands existed in the Wyldelands, leading many to their deaths as they set off to discover deep secrets or search for fabled magic sources.


The Corlinea mountain ranges were so steeped in lore, traditions, and spiritual experiences that they had no universal names. Each group that visited the area had its own name for sections of these chains, with some peaks being more holy than others. The only peoples within Corlinea Valley were those of spiritual and religious nature, who lived in dozens of temples, monasteries, and shrines dedicated to the Eldest or other beings. The Living River ran right through the valley.

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