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Feather Points

(Previously called Honor Points)


Feather Points are points gained by contributing to the game. They can be earned through donating time or supplies to help make our game better. Examples would be going above and beyond to help clean up after the game, donating costuming or props, or helping out with making sure the game runs smoothly. We greatly appreciate all the help our players offer and their contributions to the game.

Feather Points can be used to purchase in game items, Character Points and more. Generally about an hour of time donated to the game or about $15-20 worth of donations or props will result in being given an Feather Point. Feather points transfer between all King Heron Events games, and can be used accordingly.

Please contact staff before you purchase something that you want to donate. We cannot accept all donations due to storage limitations!


Points can be spent in a few different ways:

1 Feather Point = Allows you to respend 1 CP. You can use multiple Feather Points to respend more CP. 

3 Feather Points = Buys back 1 lost CP from starting a new character after the old one is dead. You can buy up to the old character’s maximum CP.

5 Feather Points = Gains an additional Wartable Chit to assist a Wartable Mission.

10 Feather Points = Gains you 1 Leadership Ability use chit. These must be purchased at Check-In or between games, and do not expire until used.

15 Feather Points = Buys 1 CP (may only be done once every five games– Must Attend 5 games before first purchase).

30-?? Feather Points = Tear of the Fae can be purchased with Feather Points and may also be acquired in-game. (See the Supplemental Rulebook for Further Details on Tear of the Fae Purchases)

Please direct any questions or request to use your Feather Points to

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Content copyright King Heron Events 2018-present

2024 Event Dates

March 1-3 (special)

April 12-14

May 24-26

September 6-8

October 4-6

November 1-3


Singletary Lake Group Camp,

Elizabethtown, NC 28337, USA
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Website design & video editing by Emil Zickafoose

Header video by Justin Dizon

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