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As of 9/8/2021 through present. Last updated 8/28/2024


To be able to attend a Legends of Exile event, King Heron Events requires the following:

A. Proof of Covid-19 vaccination (see below), AND

B. A negative Covid-19 test result (see below)



There are no exceptions to the above or below.


Covid-19 Test Results

If you are doing a Covid-19 test via an appointment with a healthcare professional, we will accept the test results from anytime from the Tuesday before the event onward (dates are posted in each event announcement and on the King Heron Calendar). Make sure to check the timeline with your test provider so you will have it back in time for the game. If you are doing an at home Rapid Test, it needs to be provided by you and completed the DAY OF GAME.

Rapid Test Results

For your Rapid Test Results (at-home/over the counter) to be accepted, you need the following:

1) Grab a witness to watch you take your test, explain to them that they are your witness for this process, and make sure they understand and consent to attesting for you*.


2) Write your name and the day's date on the test result itself (month, day, and year). You cannot digitally date it afterwards, your name and date MUST be included IN THE PICTURE itself, ON THE TEST itself.


3) Take a picture of the above (your test result, with your name and the date in the picture).  Send it to with your name as the subject line. Put the name of your witness in the body text of the email*.

*by including your witness' name in the body of the email, you are acknowledging that you explained the above process to them and that they fully understood that they are witnessing and attesting that you took you took your test that day. This is very serious.

Proof of Vaccination

Your proof of vaccination needs to be sent to All emails are deleted from the inbox within 48 hours. This is a 2FA enabled email is only able to be viewed by Emil (Game Owner), who will check off your name on an internal list as having provided proof of vaccination. This takes a lot of work to make sure we are handling with care, and there is a deadline (usually two days before events) for when this is due by. We will not accept physical cards for proof of vaccination at the event, only test results can be presented on-site. If you would like to request an alternative method of providing proof of vaccination contact Emil via email at If we do not receive your proof of vaccination email by the stated deadline for each event, your ticket will be voided and you will not be allowed entry to the event. Once you’ve submitted your proof of vaccination for any King Heron Events game, you will not need to do so again.

If there are any remaining Event Passes, they will be removed at least a day before the event they are for - the deadline of which will be on the King Heron Events Calendar. Passes cannot be sold after this date due to the extra processing time we need to make the event as safe as possible.

Covid-19 Testing Resources

  • You can visit the official government USPS website here to get 4 free Covid Tests shipped to you.

  • You can find a no-cost local testing event on North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services here

  • There are also several avenues for getting a no-cost test here.

  • Many players have had great luck with CVS’s MinuteClinic for free or insured Covid-19 testing - you can find one close to you and schedule an appointment here.

Content copyright King Heron Events 2018-present

2024 Event Dates

March 1-3 (special)

April 12-14

May 24-26

September 6-8

October 4-6

November 1-3


Singletary Lake Group Camp,

Elizabethtown, NC 28337, USA
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Website design & video editing by Emil Zickafoose

Header video by Justin Dizon

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