LARPing is what the CDC considers one of the highest risk activities for Covid-19 – “Large in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and attendees travel from outside the local area.” We do not want to put anyone at risk (within our community or those that we interact with), and therefore have decided to cancel the rest of the 2020 Season. Many of our players invest significant time and money in traveling, taking time off of work, finding childcare, etc in preparation for events and we felt it was necessary to make this decision sooner rather than later.

However! We do have really exciting news about a couple of things happening in this downtime. There are going to be online events that are going to be run via video conferencing and voice chats. These events are free to attend for everyone, but we are also offering a ticket option where you will be sent a package in the mail containing physical puzzles, items, and backdrops to solve the specific modules. More information will be upcoming, and we will likely do a few runs of different modules depending on demand. To give you an idea, we’ve been working with an Arduino programmer to bring some very neat puzzles to life. You will need to have internet connectivity to participate in these online events, and if you purchase the ticketed option you will need to set up your space beforehand (think of it as an interactive escape room that’s being brought to your house). In other exciting news, we’re undergoing a big revamp project, and are filling out the website further (Races, Timeline, etc) on the website during this downtime in preparation for next year! Even if we can't be physically together, we are still a community. We look forward to seeing everyone online and in person!

See this post in the community Facebook group for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/landsofexile/permalink/3455829287774790/